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@article{ Silva2016,
 title = {Social representations about the disease of women with cervico-uterine cancer},
 author = {Silva, Silvio Eder Dias da and Araújo, Jeferson Santos and Chaves, Miriam de Oliveira and Vasconcelos, Esleane Vilela and Cunha, Natacha Mariana Farias da and Santos, Rebeca Conceição dos},
 journal = {Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online},
 number = {1},
 pages = {3667-3678},
 volume = {8},
 year = {2016},
 issn = {2175-5361},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Objective: understanding the social representation of women about cervical cancer and its implications for
care of themselves. Method: this is a qualitative study of a descriptive approach that used as a theoretical
role the social representations, taking the interview as a technique for data collection of information. We
worked with 35 outpatient women of a referral public hospital in oncology. Results: within the dialogs it
was observed that the concept of cervical cancer was closely related to the feeling factor, leading fear and
sadness. The evidences also showed that women focused on sexuality and treatment as a life change along
the disease. Conclusion: cancer of the cervix produces a great change of life in women who passed through
the problem, not just by the physical factors, but quite by the subjective side in fighting the disease.},
 keywords = {Frau; woman; Krebs; cancer}}