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@article{ Sousa2016,
 title = {Analysis of the prevalence of surgical debridement of pressure ulcers in a municipal hospital},
 author = {Sousa, Laelson Rochelle Milanês and Bezerra, Sandra Marina Gonçalves and Mesquita, Rafael Fernandes de and Luz, Maria Helena Barros Araújo and Moura, Maria Eliete Batista},
 journal = {Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online},
 number = {2},
 pages = {4186-4196},
 volume = {8},
 year = {2016},
 issn = {2175-5361},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Objective: This study aimed to assessing the prevalence of surgical debridement of Pressure Ulcer (PU), describe the socio-demographic, clinical profile and anatomical location of the PU. Method: This was a retrospective study with a quantitative analysis of the data obtained in the period from August 2011 to June 2013 made with 416 records of surgical clinic of a general hospital, where 47 patients underwent surgical debridement. Results: The prevalence of 11,29% of surgical debridement related to UPP, of these, 59,57% male, comorbidities 38,02%, Hypertension 26,76% Diabetes Mellitus. The anatomical locations of the UPP were 40,74% sacrococcygeal, 24,69% calcaneus and 19,75% trochanter. Conclusion: The prevalence of debridement of PU was high in the elderly, from the home, with comorbidities, which corroborated the need to implement prevention PU program integrated continuum of care for these patients and reference strengthen home care protocols for reducing these injuries.},
 keywords = {Krankenpflege; nursing; medizinische Versorgung; medical care; alter Mensch; elderly; Pflegeheim; nursing home}}