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@article{ Pereira Rosa2015,
 title = {Descompassos da reforma psiquiátrica: a saúde mental em um município do interior do Paraná},
 author = {Pereira Rosa, Marcela and Zambenedetti, Gustavo},
 journal = {Revista Desafios},
 number = {1},
 pages = {317-335},
 volume = {1},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {2359-3652},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This work aimed to characterize the mental health care network in a small city in the state of Paraná. This is a qualitative and exploratory research, which used the semi-structured interview as data collection technique. The group of the research subjects consisted of a municipal Health Department management representative and workers linked to primary, ambulatory and hospital care. From the data obtained, we dealt with some of the challenges that arise in the path of care models construction consistent with the guidelines of psychosocial care. We were able to observe that instead of a network, there are some care centers in the city, which do not always present themselves articulately. The care was focused on the binominal ambulatory-hospital and the assistance offered had a markedly medicinal character, grounded in biomedical perspective. We noticed the existence of a doctor-centered model to the detriment of a user-centered practice. This way, we point to a mismatch on the Reform trajectory in the Brazilian scenario, because if on the one hand there were a lot of advances in some cities and states, in others places the Reform does not seem to have a significant impact towards the consolidation of a new care model.},