Bibtex export
@incollection{ Schmid1994, title = {Women in the public sector}, author = {Schmid, Günther}, year = {1994}, booktitle = {Women and structural change: new perspectives}, pages = {133-166}, address = {Paris}, publisher = {Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)}, isbn = {92-64-14111-1}, keywords = {women's employment; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; civil service; Netherlands; Gleichstellung; Sweden; part-time work; North America; öffentlicher Sektor; Denmark; public sector; Federal Republic of Germany; Nordamerika; equal opportunity; Dänemark; inequality; United States of America; Arbeitszeit; Belgium; income; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren; öffentlicher Dienst; Schweden; Chancengleichheit; international comparison; France; USA; Großbritannien; Frankreich; Teilzeitarbeit; Einkommen; Belgien; internationaler Vergleich; working hours; Great Britain; affirmative action; gender-specific factors; Ungleichheit; Frauenerwerbstätigkeit; Niederlande}}