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@article{ Simonis1972,
 title = {Environmental disruption: implications for economic planning},
 author = {Simonis, Udo E.},
 journal = {The developing economies: the journal of the Institute of Developing Economies},
 number = {1},
 pages = {86-105},
 volume = {10},
 year = {1972},
 issn = {0012-1533},
 keywords = {Umwelt; environment; Wirtschaft; economy; Wirtschaftsplanung; economic planning; Wirtschaftswachstum; economic growth; Wirtschaftsentwicklung; economic development (on national level); Einkommen; income; Volkseinkommen; national income; Bruttoinlandsprodukt; gross domestic product; Indikatorensystem; system of indicators; Wirtschaftspolitik; economic policy; Umweltbelastung; environmental impact}}