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@article{ Klingemann1986,
 title = {Ranking the graduate departments in the 1980s: toward objective qualitative indicators},
 author = {Klingemann, Hans-Dieter},
 journal = {PS: political science & politics},
 number = {3},
 pages = {651-661},
 volume = {19},
 year = {1986},
 issn = {1049-0965},
 keywords = {Ranking; ranking; Hochschulbildung; university level of education; Indikator; indicator; Qualität; quality; Akademiker; academic; Promotion; earning a doctorate; Bildungsabschluss; level of education attained; empirische Forschung; empirical research; USA; United States of America; Universität; university; Indikatorenforschung; indicator research}}