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Eine Kartenserie zur Euro-Region Neiße
A series of maps regarding the Euro-Region Neisse
[journal article]
Abstract This article presents the results of topical-cartographic studies regarding the Euro-Region Neisse (ERN). Within the project th at lasted 1½ years, a series of 17 socio-geographical maps were created, 8 of which are attached to this article. As an introduction, a short summary regarding the location... view more
This article presents the results of topical-cartographic studies regarding the Euro-Region Neisse (ERN). Within the project th at lasted 1½ years, a series of 17 socio-geographical maps were created, 8 of which are attached to this article. As an introduction, a short summary regarding the location and geography of the study region was presented, and the preliminary work for the project is briefly mentioned. The contents and cart ographic concept of the series of maps are then explained. This is followed by expositions regarding the technology used, as well as regarding the organisation of and co-operation within the project. The conclusion of the article is dedicated to interpretations of the attached maps regarding the structure and dynamics of the population of the ERN at the start of the 1990s.... view less
Federal Republic of Germany; Saxony; Poland; Czech Republic; Euroregion; cartography; population; population development; demographical structure; social geography; geography
Area Development Planning, Regional Research
Natural Science and Engineering, Applied Sciences
Document language
Publication Year
p. 15-23
Europa Regional, 4.1996 (1996) 1
Published Version; reviewed
Deposit Licence - No Redistribution, No Modifications