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@article{ Rosenbrock1993,
 title = {Public Health: Bedarf in der Sache und für ein neues akademisches Fach in Deutschland},
 author = {Rosenbrock, Rolf},
 journal = {Spektrum der Wissenschaft},
 number = {6},
 pages = {111-114},
 year = {1993},
 issn = {0170-2971},
 keywords = {Public Health; public health; USA; United States of America; Nordamerika; North America; historische Entwicklung; historical development; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Federal Republic of Germany; Gesundheitspolitik; health policy; Prophylaxe; prophylaxis; Aufbaustudium; post-graduate studies; Studiengang; program of study; Epidemiologie; epidemiology; Bildungswesen; education system}}