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@article{ Simonis1979,
 title = {Sammelrezension: 1. Edward D. Denison, William K. Chung: How Japan's economy grew so fast: the sources of postwar expansion. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 1976; 2. Andrea Boltho: Japan: an economic survey 1953-1973. London: Oxford University Press, 1975},
 author = {Simonis, Udo E.},
 journal = {Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv - Review of World Economics : Zeitschrift des Instituts für Weltwirtschaft, Kiel},
 number = {1},
 pages = {178-181},
 volume = {115},
 year = {1979},
 issn = {0043-2636},
 keywords = {internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen; economic development (on national level); Ostasien; historische Entwicklung; Volkswirtschaft; economic growth; Wirtschaftsentwicklung; Wirtschaftspolitik; Wirtschaftssystem; ökonomischer Wandel; Japan; international economic relations; Wirtschaftswachstum; economic policy; national economy; historical development; economic system; Japan; Far East; economic change}}