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@article{ Bohórquez Caldera2016,
 title = {Bioética del derecho al agua potable},
 author = {Bohórquez Caldera,  Luis Alfredo},
 journal = {Revista El Agora USB},
 number = {1},
 pages = {287-304},
 volume = {16},
 year = {2016},
 issn = {1657-8031},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Se observa también, que en la prestación del servicio domiciliario de agua potable en Colombia, servicio que ha de ser asumido como derechos humanos fundamental, hoy en Colombia se conrroboran aspectos preocupantes en relación a la prestación de este servicio fundamental en los que se evidencia improvisación, manejo bajo la lógica del negocio y aplicación por ende de modelos inequitativos de prestación de servicios públicosIt is observed that in the provision of the service of drinking water in Colombia, a service that has to be taken as a fundamental human right. Today in Colombia, worrying aspects as for the provision of this key service are corroborated, in which improvisation is made evident, which is carried out under the logics of business and the application, therefore, of inequitable models of the provision of public utilities.},
 keywords = {Versorgung; water; Kolumbien; Menschenrechte; public health; Verteilungsgerechtigkeit; distributive justice; Public Health; öffentlicher Sektor; Wasser; human rights; public sector; supply; Colombia}}