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@incollection{ Kuznetsova2006,
 title = {Социоэкономический контроль управленческих объектов},
 author = {Kuznetsova, Elena},
 year = {2006},
 booktitle = {Одиннадцатые "Апрельские экономические чтения": Межвузовский сборник научных трудов},
 pages = {90-93},
 address = {Omsk},
 isbn = {5-87367-012-9},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The article is about the features of the socio-economic control as a form of social control. The author reveals specific methods of socio-economic control, which applicable to different control objects. Particular attention is paid to methods of solving problems arising in the implementation of socio-economic control.},
 keywords = {Problemlösen; soziales Problem; Elite; implementation; social institution; soziale Institution; social control; Methode; method; elite; socioeconomic factors; sozioökonomische Faktoren; Implementation; social problem; soziale Kontrolle; problem solving}}