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@article{ Kim2008,
 title = {Interkulturelle Wirtschaftskommunikation zwischen Deutschland und Korea: Problematik im interkulturellen Verstehen in Bezug auf die Arbeitsweise von Deutschen und Koreanern},
 author = {Kim, Soon-Im and Yu, Suyon and Kim, Miyeon and Chung, Dury and Min, Chuni},
 journal = {interculture journal: Online-Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Studien},
 number = {6},
 pages = {111-122},
 volume = {7},
 year = {2008},
 issn = {2196-9485},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Economical relationships between German and South Korean companies are successfully growing. Nevertheless, difficulties in understanding each other in face-to-face-communication between managers of both countries become evident when management styles of the own culture are applied to multi-cultural business situations. Such conflicts lead to an increasing interest in theories of intercultural business communication in South Korea. The following article summarizes the outcome of a research project "A Transcultural Study for Solution of Trading Conflicts between Korea and the EU" which was conducted in 2003. The goal of the project was to make out culture-based differences in German and Korean management styles. The focus was put on three main domains which seem to be the most outstanding causes of conflicts: 1. valuation of the written and oral word in business communication; 2. concepts of time in mutual planing activities and 3. methods of operation in carrying out business plans. 30 managers of both countries were interviewed about their work experiences in the other country. Hofstede's modell of cultural dimensions and Hall's description of cultures provide the foundation for comparing and interpreting their answers. The article concludes with suggestions for improving future enterprises in the field of business between both countries.},
 keywords = {Südkorea; South Korea; Nordkorea; North Korea; internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen; international economic relations; EU; EU; Außenhandel; foreign trade; Konflikt; conflict; interkulturelle Kommunikation; intercultural communication; Unternehmen; enterprise; Geschäftsführung; management; Führungsstil; management style}}