Bibtex export


@book{ Kuznetsova2010,
 title = {Местное самоуправление и социальная работа},
 author = {Kuznetsova, Elena},
 year = {2010},
 pages = {60},
 address = {Omsk},
 publisher = {Omsk State Technical University},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Educational manual contains the basis of the lecture course by discipline "Local government and social work" for students of specialty "Social work", control questions and bibliography to each topic.},
 keywords = {social work; social policy; Sozialarbeit; social support; guardianship; Russland; Jugendarbeit; youth work; Vormundschaft; Russia; soziale Unterstützung; Jugendhilfe; Sozialpolitik; local politics; youth welfare; Kommunalpolitik}}