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@article{ 2014,
 title = {¡A liberar el conocimiento académico del mundo!},
 journal = {Revista Kavilando},
 number = {2},
 pages = {136-143},
 volume = {6},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {2027-2391},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Swartz, era un luchador que buscaba que todo ese conocimiento, que hacen académicos e investigadores y que queda represado en los muros de las grandes universidades o quedan restringidos en "papers" de revistas de investigación académica, pudiera estar disponible para que millones de científicos y emprendedores de todo el mundo le dieran uso colectivo, y así, poner la ciencia y la tecnología al servicio de los pueblos y no de las grandes transnacionales.Swartz was a fighter who looked all that knowledge, they do academics and researchers and is dammed in the walls of the great universities or are restricted in "papers" of academic research journals, may be available for millions of scientists and entrepreneurs from around the world will give collective use, and thus put science and technology to serve the people and not large multinationals.},
 keywords = {bibliography; Wissenschaft; knowledge; data bank; Bibliographie; Freiheit; science; freedom of information; Informationsfreiheit; Recht; freedom; Datenbank; law; Wissen}}