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@article{ Vega Cantor2014,
 title = {Miguel Ángel Beltrán y el Terrorismo de Estado en Colombia},
 author = {Vega Cantor, Renán},
 journal = {Revista Kavilando},
 number = {1},
 pages = {38-47},
 volume = {6},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {2027-2391},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {La persecución y criminalización a que el Estado colombiano ha sometido al profesor e investigador Miguel Ángel Beltrán durante los últimos seis años es un ejemplo fehaciente, a través de un caso personal, del terrorismo de Estado que se ha impuesto en nuestro país, y cuyas características criminales abarcan los más diversos ámbitos, como lo mostramos en este texto.The persecution and criminalization that the Colombian State has submitted to the professor and researcher Miguel Angel Beltran during the past six years is a clear example, through a personal case of state terrorism that has been imposed on our country, and whose characteristics criminal cover many different areas, as we show in this text.},
 keywords = {Politik; politisches Regime; Kriminalisierung; Kolumbien; national state; Staat; Denken; political regime; thinking; politics; Südamerika; terrorism; South America; Terrorismus; criminalization; Colombia}}