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@article{ Manda2014,
 title = {Catalyzing sustainable social change through public communication, radio for development, and participatory monitoring and evaluation: collective review},
 author = {Manda, Levi Zeleza},
 journal = {Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research},
 number = {3},
 pages = {10},
 volume = {15},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {1438-5627},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This article reviews three recent books by four authors (two single, one joint) from Australia and Africa. The three books are related in that they all discuss the need to acknowledge the role of dialogic communication and popular participation as catalysts for sustainable social development in the developing world. Specifically, "Public Relations, Activism and Social Change" proposes that public relations (PR) needs to transform itself into public communication (PC), where people are made to make decisions based on dialogue and the correctness of the information rather than out of manipulative propaganda. "People's Radio" argues that radio can lead to tangible and long-lasting social change if it engages the primary beneficiaries in the planning, production presentation of the programs and management of (community) radio stations. "Evaluating Communication for Development" argues that through indicators defined by the local people themselves, evaluators can find evidence of social change brought about by communication for development activities. The book suggests that to be effective, monitoring and evaluation of communication for development ought to be participatory and use qualitative data collection tools such as focus groups, in-depth interviews, and most significant change (MSC) evaluations. Collective Review: 1) Kristin Demetrious: Public Relations, Activism and Social Change. London: Routledge 2013. ISBN 987-0-415-89706-8. 2) Linje Manyozo: People's Radio: Communicating Change Across Africa. Penang: Southbound 2012. ISBN 978-0-41552259-5. 3) June Lennie & Jo Taachi: Evaluating Communication for Development: A Framework for Social Change. London: Earthscan
(Routledge) 2013. ISBN 978-983-9054-54-5.In diesem Beitrag werden drei gerade erschienene Bücher besprochen, deren Autor/innen aus Australien bzw. Afrika stammen. Gemeinsam ist den Büchern, dass sie die Notwendigkeit von öffentlicher Kommunikation und Teilhabe als Katalysatoren einer nachhaltigen sozialen Entwicklung in den sogenannten "Entwicklungsländern" unterstreichen. In "Public Relations, Activism and Social Change" wird vorgeschlagen, Konzepte der Public Relations in Richtung von "Public Communication" zu transformieren, sodass für Entscheidungsprozesse dialogische Aushandlungsprozesse und die Verlässlichkeit von Informationen wesentlich sind statt manipulativer Propaganda. "People's Radio" verdeutlicht, wie greifbare und andauernde Wandlungsprozesse initiiert werden können, wenn potenzielle Nutzer/innen bereits in die Planung, aber auch in die Programmgestaltung und den Betrieb gemeinschaftlicher Rundfunkanstalten involviert sind. "Evaluating Communication for Development" zeigt, dass Menschen lokal bereits in die Definition von Indikatoren einbezogen werden sollten und dass Monitoring und Evaluation partizipativ konzipiert werden sollten unter Nutzung von Fokusgruppen, Interviews und Most-Significant-Change-Techniken.},