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@article{ Mihai2012,
 title = {Population access to waste collection services: urban vs rural areas in Romania},
 author = {Mihai, Florin-Constantin},
 journal = {Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Agriculture},
 number = {2},
 pages = {464-466},
 volume = {69},
 year = {2012},
 issn = {1843-5386},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This paper aims a comparative analysis at county level concerning urban and rural population access to sanitation services in the context of EU accession. Partially coverage of population to such services contributes to illegal dumping of waste generated and
uncollected.Furthermore, waste management facilities are inappropriate, particularly in small cities or
rural areas. Comparative analysis of urban vs. rural population served by waste collection services
using thematic cartography highlights on the one hand the existing disparities within a county and on
the other hand reflects the regional disparities across Romania.The demographic, socioeconomic and
geographic differentiations between urban and rural areas amplify these gaps that prevent from
implementation of an effective waste management system at national scale.Thematic maps highlights
that urban population is not fully covered by sanitation services while in rural areas less than half of population has access to these services. Also,in some counties, vulnerability to illegal dumping is high in both rural and urban areas.},
 keywords = {Umweltverhalten; ländlicher Raum; garbage removal; environmental behavior; Abfallbeseitigung; regional difference; Romania; rural area; waste management; municipal area; regionaler Unterschied; Rumänien; Abfallwirtschaft; Umweltschutz; environmental protection; Stadtgebiet}}