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@article{ Aristizabal2010,
 title = {La cultura política y la formación en ciudadanía},
 author = {Aristizabal, Walter},
 journal = {Revista Kavilando},
 number = {2},
 pages = {122-128},
 volume = {2},
 year = {2010},
 issn = {2027-2391},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The political culture has become in the last fifty
years (half of the twentieth century), in a paradigmatic
way, which has been developed from theoretical
orientations installed in Western societies,
especially in countries viewed as "developed"
and "industrial ". Is the product of an academic
stream of origin in the U.S. and European Political
Science (North), who understood a way to the
masses conducted population (mainly) urban
areas, to understand, assist and obey the
commands of a political system and of managers
of public bodies, by a sort of instructions that
lead the individual to a type of action in the
direction favorable to those interests defined as
correct for the society of capital. In large part,
those guidelines, would be adjusted to what the
makers of societies would define as what to do
under the law, while the law is treated as justice -
the just.},
 keywords = {neocolonialism; hegemony; political culture; Dominanz; politische Kultur; colonialism; Neokolonialismus; Hegemonie; dominance; Kolonialismus}}