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@book{ Gerharz2012,
 title = {Diaspora's developmental activities and their implications for spatial order: an actor-oriented perspective on Sri Lanka's north},
 author = {Gerharz, Eva},
 year = {2012},
 series = {Working Papers in Development Sociology and Social Anthropology},
 pages = {23},
 volume = {371},
 address = {Bielefeld},
 publisher = {Universität Bielefeld, Fak. für Soziologie, AG Sozialanthropologie},
 issn = {0936-3408},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Sri Lanka; Sri Lanka; Migration; migration; Diaspora; diaspora; Entwicklungshilfe; development aid; Gesundheitswesen; health care delivery system; Bildungswesen; education system; Wissenstransfer; knowledge transfer; Entwicklungspolitik; development policy; internationale Zusammenarbeit; international cooperation; Netzwerk; network; Entwicklungsland; developing country; Südasien; South Asia}}