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@article{ Fritze2013,
 title = {Indoktrination und irrationale Überzeugungsbildung: über eine Herrschaftstechnologie der Weltanschauungsdiktatur},
 author = {Fritze, Lothar},
 journal = {Totalitarismus und Demokratie},
 number = {1},
 pages = {135-163},
 volume = {10},
 year = {2013},
 issn = {1612-9008},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {"Ideological dictatorships not only base their legitimacy on the agreement of those being subject to their rule, also their long-term stability depends on sufficient numbers agreeing with their rule. Agreement may be expected most of all if the members of the respective community have internalised the system's ideology. The process of shaping the consciousness, which results in internalising the system's ideology without the individual having rational reasons for developing the respective conviction, is called 'indoctrination'. The contribution analyses the means of indoctrination as the crucial and indispensable technology of the rule of ideology-guided dictatorships." (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {education; Rationalität; Nationalsozialismus; politische Herrschaft; historical analysis; Erziehung; legitimation; Bewusstseinsbildung; Diktatur; Nazism; Propaganda; Herrschaftssicherung; rationality; Machtsicherung; Herrschaft; comparative research; Legitimation; Weltanschauung; vergleichende Forschung; UdSSR; Verhalten; securing of power; propaganda; formation of consciousness; historische Analyse; dictatorship; behavior; Wahrheit; domination; Ideologie; logic; Logik; political domination; Weltanschauung; Drittes Reich; USSR; truth; guarantee of domination; Third Reich; ideology}}