dc.contributor.author | Howaldt, Jürgen | de |
dc.contributor.author | Kopp, Ralf | de |
dc.contributor.author | Schwarz, Michael | de |
dc.date.accessioned | 2015-02-25T12:13:06Z | |
dc.date.available | 2015-02-25T12:13:06Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2015 | de |
dc.identifier.uri | http://www.ssoar.info/ssoar/handle/document/41963 | |
dc.description.abstract | The term 'social innovation' is currently becoming increasingly significant in social and political discourse. However, so far there is still no theoretically grounded, practicable concept of social innovation. Through recourse to the social theory of Gabriel Tarde, with its focus on social inventions and social practices of imitation, social innovation can be identified as a specific mechanism of change, and hence the analytical perspective can be directed towards society as a locus of innovation. This provides valuable input for an integrative theory of innovation, and for the analysis and shaping of social transformation processes. | en |
dc.description.tableofcontents | Chapter 1: Introduction p. 10
Chapter 2: Social innovation and social change – Desiderata and perspectives of a theoretical foundation p. 13
2.1 Social innovation – a marginalised topic in social theory
2.2 The relationship between social and technological innovations
2.3 The context-dependency of the discussion of social change
2.4 Perspectives of a theoretical foundation
Chapter 3: From Schumpeter’s economic innovation theory to Tarde’s sociological grounding of innovation research p. 25
3.1 Gabriel Tarde – the overlooked classic exponent of a sociology of innovation
3.2 Tarde’s microfoundation of social change
3.3 Social innovation as new social practice
3.4 On the materiality of social practices
3.5 Expansion of the scope for human action and loosening of social structures
Chapter 4: Social innovation and transformative social change p. 46
4.1 Studies of the ability to shape society with reference to Gabriel Tarde’s analytical agenda
4.2 The role of social innovations in social transformation processes
4.2.1 Social innovation and sustainable development
4.2.2 On the ambivalence of social innovations
4.2.3 Consequences for innovation policy and the process of transformative change
Chapter 5: From diffusion to the social practices of imitation p. 61
5.1 Rogers’ turning towards the social process inherent in the spread of innovations
5.2 Rogers’ narrowing of Tarde’s perspective
5.3 Tarde and society’s self-invention
Chapter 6: Conclusion and outlook p. 77
Bibliography p. 82
Selected publications and lectures by the authors
on the theme of social innovation | de |
dc.language | en | de |
dc.publisher | Beltz Juventa | de |
dc.subject.ddc | Sociology & anthropology | en |
dc.subject.ddc | Soziologie, Anthropologie | de |
dc.subject.other | social innovation; social practices; reconfiguration; practical theory; theory of practices; microfoundation; innovation theory; cross sector fertilization; real experiments; Multi-Level-Governance; new innovation paradigm; open innovation | de |
dc.title | On the theory of social innovations: Tarde's neglected contribution to the development of a sociological innovation theory | de |
dc.title.alternative | Zur Theorie sozialer Innovationen: Tardes vernachlässigter Beitrag zur Entwicklung einer soziologischen Innovationstheorie | de |
dc.description.review | begutachtet | de |
dc.description.review | reviewed | en |
dc.publisher.country | DEU | |
dc.publisher.city | Weinheim | de |
dc.subject.classoz | Allgemeine Soziologie, Makrosoziologie, spezielle Theorien und Schulen, Entwicklung und Geschichte der Soziologie | de |
dc.subject.classoz | General Sociology, Basic Research, General Concepts and History of Sociology, Sociological Theories | en |
dc.subject.thesoz | sozialer Wandel | de |
dc.subject.thesoz | social change | en |
dc.subject.thesoz | Diffusion | de |
dc.subject.thesoz | diffusion | en |
dc.subject.thesoz | Innovation | de |
dc.subject.thesoz | innovation | en |
dc.subject.thesoz | Imitation | de |
dc.subject.thesoz | imitation | en |
dc.subject.thesoz | soziologische Theorie | de |
dc.subject.thesoz | sociological theory | en |
dc.identifier.urn | urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-419633 | |
dc.rights.licence | Creative Commons - Namensnennung | de |
dc.rights.licence | Creative Commons - Attribution | en |
ssoar.contributor.institution | TU Dortmund - Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund - Central Scientific Unit | de |
internal.status | formal und inhaltlich fertig erschlossen | de |
internal.identifier.thesoz | 10045323 | |
internal.identifier.thesoz | 10041070 | |
internal.identifier.thesoz | 10047538 | |
internal.identifier.thesoz | 10047062 | |
internal.identifier.thesoz | 10037438 | |
dc.type.stock | monograph | de |
dc.type.document | Monographie | de |
dc.type.document | monograph | en |
dc.source.pageinfo | 100 | de |
internal.identifier.classoz | 10201 | |
internal.identifier.document | 20 | |
internal.identifier.ddc | 301 | |
dc.description.pubstatus | Postprint | de |
dc.description.pubstatus | Postprint | en |
internal.identifier.licence | 1 | |
internal.identifier.pubstatus | 2 | |
internal.identifier.review | 2 | |
dc.subject.classhort | 10200 | de |
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