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@article{ Dodu-Savca2014,
 title = {Quelques considérations sur et avec Valéry: l'homme qui se pense et qui pense l'Europe},
 author = {Dodu-Savca, Carolina},
 journal = {Studii Europene},
 number = {1},
 pages = {121-130},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {2345-1041},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The present article identifies in Paul Valéry’s poetics two major axes: the man thinking the Self and thinking Europe. At first, the interest goes to the methodical and systematic reflection of the Pure Self. The pastiche "I invent, therefore I am" expresses the commitment of the essayist to the quest of the cogito (in la vita activa and la vita contemplatia). His poetics reveals a meta-textual consciousness of the European man as well as of the Europe within Europe. These double strands highlight a political and cultural image of Europe and the conceptual Europe.},
 keywords = {culture; Europa; Politik; Europe; politics; Kultur; Methode; method}}