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@article{ Holy2014,
 title = {Knowledge and behavior},
 author = {Holy, Ladislav},
 journal = {Historická sociologie / Historical Sociology},
 number = {1},
 pages = {9-24},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {1804-0616},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Ladislav Holy argues in this paper that by virtue of the self-defining character of human activities, anthropological interpretation could proceed only on the basis of understanding indigenous categories and analysing activities in terms of those categories; imposition of outsiders’ analytic categories onto local concerns would only lead to confused analyses and the distorted representation of local systems of knowledge.},
 keywords = {soziale Wirklichkeit; knowledge; behavior; Kulturanthropologie; Norm; Erkenntnis; social reality; standard; cultural anthropology; Ethnomethodologie; ethnomethodology; Wissen; Verhalten}}