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@article{ Kristiansen2011,
 title = {Participation as Enactment of Power in Dialogic Organisational Action Research. Reflections on Conflicting Interests and Actionability},
 author = {Kristiansen, Marianne and Bloch-Poulsen, Jørgen},
 journal = {International Journal of Action Research},
 number = {3},
 pages = {347-380},
 volume = {7},
 year = {2011},
 issn = {1861-1303},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {"The article focuses on participation as enactment of power in dialogic, organisational
action research. The article has a dual purpose: It shows how participation
is enacted as power in processes between participating managers, employees
and action researchers with different or conflicting interests. It discusses
if and eventually how it is possible to handle participatory processes
when participation is conceptualised as enactment of power. This is done by
reflecting critically on two examples from a dialogic, action research project
carried out in two Danish, private organisations in 2008 and 2009. The overall
perspective is to bring participation as enactment of power into the centre of
dialogic, organisational action research processes and into action research that
understands itself as participatory.
The article argues in favour of understanding participation as enactment of
power in a project work between different partners (employees, managers, and
action researchers) with different interests. This argument is based on a definition
of participation as co-determination of goals and means. Moreover, the
article argues that combining reflexive and contextualised analyses from 1rst
and 2nd person approaches with broader 3rd person action research perspectives
might make dialogic, organisational action research projects more actionable.
Theoretically, participatory processes aim at empowerment. The article shows
that co-producing knowledge in dialogic, organisational action research implies
ongoing reflections on tensions in the action research concept of ‘co-‘. In
practice, these processes unfold in a field of tensions between empowerment
and constraint." (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {Aktionsforschung; action research; Interessenkonflikt; conflict of interest; Handlungsfähigkeit; capacity to act; Partizipation; participation; Dialog; dialogue; Forschungsprozess; research process; Dänemark; Denmark; Empowerment; empowerment}}