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@article{ Altepost2009,
 title = {Schotten dicht? Hochwasserschutz, Risikokommunikation und Eigenvorsorge aus sozialwissenschaftlicher Perspektive},
 author = {Altepost, Andrea and Arránz Becker, Oliver and Hill, Paul B. and Romich, Manfred F.},
 journal = {RWTH Themen},
 number = {1},
 pages = {26-28},
 year = {2009},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Naturkatastrophe; natural disaster; Risikokommunikation; risk communication; Gefährdung; endangerment; Lernprozess; learning process; Vulnerabilität; vulnerability; Prävention; prevention; Risiko; risk; Bewusstsein; consciousness}}