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@article{ Shotter2007,
 title = {With What Kind of Science Should Action Research Be Contrasted?},
 author = {Shotter, John},
 journal = {International Journal of Action Research},
 number = {1+2},
 pages = {65-92},
 volume = {3},
 year = {2007},
 issn = {1861-1303},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {"Action research is often criticized for not being properly based in objective
facts or for not formulating testable theories, in short, for not being properly
scientific. But with what kind of science should it be contrasted? Hanson
(1958) distinguishes between finished, (classical) sciences and research sciences.
Unlike a finished science that can be conducted by us as individuals
within an already well formulated disciplinary discourse, a research science
cannot. If it is to inquire into possibilities not yet actualized, it must be conducted
in a much more situated, conversational manner. Thus as researchers,
instead of functioning as detached observers, seeking to discover the invisible
or ‘hidden’ causes of an observed event, we must operate in an ongoing realtime
situation in a much more dialogical manner. For such dialogicallystructured
activity can, within the dynamics of its unfolding, give rise to transitory
understandings and action guiding anticipations of a ‘situated’ kind,
thus enabling all those involved in such activity to ‘go on’ with each other in
unconfused ways. It is this participation in a shared grammar of felt, moment
by moment changing expectations that are – in the interests of a decontextualized
objectivity – precluded (or ‘lost’) within the disciplinary discourses of a
finished science. Thus, guided by Wittgenstein’s (1953) writings in his later
philosophy, I want to show in this article that, not only is it more accurate to
compare action research with research sciences than with classical sciences,
but that action research can find its intellectual legitimacy in the same sphere
of human conduct as all of our sciences – in people being responsibly accountable
for their own actions to the others around them in terms of their
immediate relations to their shared surroundings." (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {Aktionsforschung; action research; Wittgenstein, L.; Wittgenstein, L.; Wissenschaftsverständnis; understanding of science}}