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@article{ Michel2005,
 title = {Repräsentative Wahlstatistik zur Bundestagswahl am 18. September 2005},
 author = {Michel, Nicole},
 journal = {Statistisches Monatsheft Baden-Württemberg},
 number = {12},
 pages = {47-51},
 year = {2005},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Bundestagswahl; election to the Bundestag; amtliche Statistik; official statistics; Wahl; election; Wahlverhalten; voting behavior; Altersgruppe; age group; Wahlbeteiligung; voter turnout; Frau; woman; Mann; man; Wähler; voter; CDU; Christian Democratic Union; SPD; Social Democratic Party of Germany; Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen; Alliance 90/ The Greens; FDP; Free Democratic Party; politische Linke; political left; Jugend; youth}}