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@article{ Janssen2014,
 title = {HSR Special Issues - Foci - Supplements, 2004-2014},
 author = {Janssen, Philip Jost},
 journal = {Historical Social Research, Supplement},
 number = {26},
 pages = {29-59},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {0936-6784},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {As part of the HSR Supplement 26 "Historical Social Research: An International Journal for the Application of Formal Methods to History, 2004-2014" this document presents a brief information on all Special Issues and Foci published in Historical Social Research from 2004 to 2014 inclusive. Furthermore, the contents of the HSR Supplements No.16-25 are presented.},
 keywords = {historical social research; historische Sozialforschung}}