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@article{ Kapkanshchikov2012,
 title = {Alternative strategies of economic policy execution in Russian Federation},
 author = {Kapkanshchikov, Sergey Gennadevich},
 journal = {Modern Research of Social Problems},
 number = {3},
 pages = {20},
 year = {2012},
 issn = {2218-7405},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Purpose: to propose the best option for development of Russian economy after crisis. Methodological framework is the concept of comparative analysis of economic systems. Results: The author provides a classification of various types of governmental economic policy, according to which the substance of alternative strategies of upcoming development of Russian economy is disclosed; the strategy of governmental regulation of Russian economy during its market transformation is critically assessed and the target for its future radical change is determined. Practical implications: formation and implementation of the governmental economic policy.},