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@article{ Bardadymov2012,
 title = {Use of artificial neural networks in chemical addiction stages detection of adolescents},
 author = {Bardadymov, Vasiliy Anatolevich},
 journal = {Modern Research of Social Problems},
 number = {2},
 pages = {18},
 year = {2012},
 issn = {2218-7405},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Today there is no unified approach to description of the stages of addiction and 
evolution of adolescent addiction formation. In this paper we consider two main 
points. At first we describe the different approaches to the selection stages of addictive behavior. The second point is the description of using the method of constructing 
artificial neural networks to determine the formation of chemical addiction. Also this 
article describes the theoretical approaches to the evolution stages of dependence and 
to the construction of artificial neural networks. It is experimentally proved the importance and logic of constructing assessment stage of addictive behavior, described
the main parameters of this assessment,  and considered the main characteristics of 
sentence groups. Thus, we demonstrate the number of objective advantages of artificial neural networks to the classical methods. It is create possibility using artificial 
neural networks in professionals’ practice working with the assessment of adolescent 