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@incollection{ Roose2010,
 title = {Fans in theoretischer Perspektive},
 author = {Roose, Jochen and Schäfer, Mike S. and Schmidt-Lux, Thomas},
 editor = {Roose, Jochen and Schäfer, Mike S. and Schmidt-Lux, Thomas},
 year = {2010},
 booktitle = {Fans: soziologische Perspektiven},
 pages = {27-46},
 series = {Erlebniswelten},
 volume = {17},
 address = {Wiesbaden},
 publisher = {VS Verl. für Sozialwiss.},
 isbn = {978-3-531-92290-4},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Fan; everyday sociology; Bourdieu, P.; soziologische Theorie; fanaticism; Rationalität; Fanatismus; identity formation; Identitätsbildung; Goffman, E.; interaction; fan; Alltagssoziologie; Emotionalität; Grundbedürfnis; rational choice theory; rationality; Rational-Choice-Theorie; sociological theory; Bourdieu, P.; Interaktion; basic need; emotionality; Goffman, E.}}