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@article{ Burdzik2013,
 title = {Między indywidualizmem a zbiorowością - globalizacja a tożsamość},
 author = {Burdzik, Tomasz},
 journal = {Horyzonty Wychowania (Horizons of Education)},
 number = {24},
 pages = {59-73},
 volume = {12},
 year = {2013},
 issn = {1643-9171},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The article presents the influence of globalisation on identity and the question of individualisation. Globalisation implies multiple processes that are not uniform, as they occur at different times and in different places. Globalisation impacts the youth, families and cultural systems. The processes of globalisation may contribute to the loss of cultural identity. The diverse nature of globalisation has given rise to new identities. Identity is defined as a process of internal and external adjustment. Concurrently, the challenges posed by globalisation are presented, for instance: identity and freedom of individualisation versus community and belonging. The author explores some of the new challenges and trends, presenting them from selected theoretical perspectives.},
 keywords = {Gemeinschaft; identity; Globalisierung; Sozialisation; Individualismus; socialization; Identität; sozialer Wandel; kulturelle Identität; globalization; cultural identity; social change; individualism; community}}