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@book{ Pänke2014,
 title = {Moving beyond the normative-geopolitical ambiguity of the EU's imperial politics in the neighbourhood: the case of Lebanon},
 author = {Pänke, Julian},
 year = {2014},
 series = {IEP Policy Papers on Eastern Europe and Central Asia},
 pages = {19},
 volume = {4},
 address = {Berlin},
 publisher = {Institut für Europäische Politik e.V. (IEP)},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Since 2005, the European Union intensified its political commitment in Lebanon. The same year an
Association Agreement was signed and the first Action Plan published in 2007. The Arab Uprisings
of 2011 – and on its coat-tails the brutal war in Syria – fortified an enduring imperative of stability.
Over the last years, the EU became more realistic in its ambitions – more assertive in its claims for
influence, and demonstrated a greater capacity to play to its political strengths. An increasing realism
was obscured by prevalent normative discourses reflected in EU documents. A particular normativegeopolitical
ambiguity in its external relations is caused by the imperial nature of the EU. This paper
argues that Brussels operates in legacies of imperial rule in its efforts to stabilize and transform the
Near East. The first chapter of the paper conceptualizes the EU’s imperial politics. The second section
analyzes contents of the bilateral agenda, as formulated in the Action Plan, which can be compared
with 19th century ‘standards of civilization’ developed by European states; whereas the stabilization
policies resemble geopolitical concepts. The third chapter examines the current role of the EU in
Lebanon, especially in light of the “three M-approach” introduced by the revised ENP of Spring 2011
and beyond “three M” addressing security issues. Despite its successes, the Union still remains an
underestimated actor in the Levant. This is the case mainly because the ENP suffers from its normativegeopolitical
ambiguity, demanding at the same time a geopolitically motivated stabilization of the
peripheries (in terms of power) and a sustainable transformation of the neighbourhood converging
with the value system of the EU (in terms of norms).},
 keywords = {EU; international relations; bilateral relations; Geopolitik; Stabilisierung; foreign policy; bilaterale Beziehungen; Sicherheitspolitik; Arab countries; Lebanon; neughborhood policy; Middle East; Nachbarschaftspolitik; Kooperation; Nahost; Außenpolitik; stabilization; internationale Beziehungen; arabische Länder; Libanon; security policy; geopolitics; cooperation; EU}}