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@book{ Maier2012,
 title = {Bedrohung auf der (Medien-)Agenda – Krisenkommunikation im Nachrichtenprozess},
 author = {Maier, Michaela and Ruhrmann, Georg and Stengel, Karin and Zillich, Arne Freya and Göbbel, Roland and Rahnke, Marion and Steinert, Jonathan and Süß, Kristina and Warneck, Christoph},
 year = {2012},
 series = {Forschung DSF},
 pages = {61},
 volume = {32},
 address = {Osnabrück},
 issn = {2193-794X},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Konflikt; conflict; Krieg; war; Terrorismus; terrorism; Berichterstattung; reporting; Medien; media; Deutung; interpretation; Krisenkommunikation; crisis communication; Nachrichtenwesen; communications; Journalismus; journalism; Nachrichtenwerttheorie; news value theory; Rezeption; reception}}