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@article{ Bertaux2011,
 title = {Reproduce or perish? The artefact of the fertility ; concept and the French School of Demography},
 author = {Bertaux, Sandrine},
 journal = {Historical Social Research},
 number = {2},
 pages = {120-139},
 volume = {36},
 year = {2011},
 issn = {0172-6404},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {"This article investigates the complicated and intertwined history between the scientific discipline of demography, the depopulation debate and the pronatalist lobby, and French republican policies from the late nineteenth century till the eve of the Second World War. The authoress suggests that central to this history is the concept and codification of fertility." (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {Frankreich; France; historische Analyse; historical analysis; Bevölkerungsentwicklung; population development; Demographie; demography; 19. Jahrhundert; nineteenth century; Zweiter Weltkrieg; World War II; Fruchtbarkeit; fertility; Konzeption; conception; Wissenschaft; science; Faschismus; fascism; Einwanderung; immigration; Bevölkerungspolitik; population policy; Familienplanung; family planning; Malthus, T.; Malthus, T.; Erster Weltkrieg; First World War; Frau; woman; Bevölkerungsverluste; population decrease; Rassismus; racism; Nationalsozialismus; Nazism; 20. Jahrhundert; twentieth century}}