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@article{ Estrada Bedoya2011,
 title = {Rendimiento académico, causas de deserción y cambios personales en los estudiantes del programa cobertura con equidad en la Universidad San Buenaventura de Medellín},
 author = {Estrada Bedoya, Análida},
 journal = {Revista El Agora USB},
 number = {1},
 pages = {89-111},
 volume = {11},
 address = {Medellín},
 year = {2011},
 issn = {1657-8031},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The objective of this piece of research was to analyze and to describe the academic achievement and the personal changes as for self-esteem, assertiveness, and self-control of the students of the Program with Equity Program at Saint Bonaventure University. In this piece of research, quantitative data, open and closed questions were used. As well, qualitative data were obtained from focal groups and self-reports and interviews were carried out. Relations with a sense, which are discovered in the reading of recurrences and tendencies, were described. Then, some analyses were made and some posed questions were answered, which let describe the characteristics of the population and make some analysis starting from a study of the variables of interest. Besides, a formative proposal of inclusion for the students of the program was introduced.},
 keywords = {modification; Selbstkontrolle; Studienverlauf; Studienerfolg; self-esteem; self-confidence; personality; course of academic studies; Selbstwertgefühl; Selbstbewusstsein; academic achievement; Persönlichkeit; self-control; Änderung; Schulleistung; academic success}}