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@article{ Lyovkin2012,
 title = {Assessment of the efficiency of Russian response to
the implementation of US missile defence deployment concept in Europe},
 author = {Lyovkin, Igor M. and Shatskaya, Valeria I.},
 journal = {Baltic Region},
 number = {1},
 pages = {28-43},
 year = {2012},
 issn = {2079-8555},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This article is dedicated to the problems
of deployment of the US anti-missile defence
system in Eastern Europe. The European
system of US missile defence is just one of
the components of global US missile
defence. This work aims to analyze possible
Russia’s responses within military and
political spheres. The measures proposed
are divided into three subgroups: soft,
medium and hard depending on the
implementation of the adopted missile
defence concept by the USA. This research
employs the structure-system method and the
method of actualization. The authors outline
both positive and negative consequences of
such actions for the Russian Federation, the
USA, eastern European countries and the
neighbouring countries, including the Baltic
Sea states. The practical significance of this
study consists in the proposed and justified
responses of the Russian Federation that
may serve as a basis for the scenarios of
development of international situation and
help to forecast the level of tension in
Russia-US relations.},
 keywords = {political negotiation; Geopolitik; Eastern Europe; Verteidigungspolitik; Russland; politische Verhandlung; Russia; internationale Sicherheit; defense policy; NATO; Frühwarnsystem; security policy; internationale Politik; political relations; geopolitics; United States of America; SDI; NATO; politische Beziehungen; Sicherheitspolitik; early warning system; SDI; USA; international security; international politics; Osteuropa}}