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@article{ Mezhevich2012,
 title = {Innovative economy in the Baltic Sea region},
 author = {Mezhevich, Nikolai M. and Pribyshin, Taras K.},
 journal = {Baltic Region},
 number = {3},
 pages = {44-54},
 year = {2012},
 issn = {2079-8555},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Innovative activity is carried out at three
levels — those of the state, region and a company
or a university. This article considers the
level of development of knowledge-based economy
in Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland,
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland
at each of the three levels, as well as descripes
the spatial differentiation of innovative activity
within the Baltic region.
The analysis is done on the basis of national
and international research, as well as
statistical data on the intensity of research
and development, structure of research expenditure,
human capital in the field of advanced
technologies, and the methods of institutional
support for innovative activity. The authors
characterise the role of business, university,
and authorities — which constitute the «triple
helix» — in national innovative systems.
The article also analyses such important
factors as the intensity of research and development,
the share of employees in the field of
advanced technologies, and the methods of
public support. Examples of private-public infrastructure
for the implementation of innovative
projects are offered.},
 keywords = {Ostseeraum; Baltic region; Forschung und Entwicklung; research and development; technischer Fortschritt; technological progress; wissenschaftlicher Fortschritt; scientific progress; Innovationspolitik; innovation policy; technische Entwicklung; technical development; Innovation; innovation; Innovationspotential; innovation potential; regionale Faktoren; regional factors}}