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@article{ Pulikov2011,
 title = {Constitutional evolyutivny characteristic of sexual imorphism and physical development of young men of Siberia},
 author = {Pulikov, A.S. and Moscalenko, O.L.},
 journal = {International Journal of Advanced Studies},
 number = {1},
 pages = {4},
 year = {2011},
 issn = {2227-930X},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Anthropometric survey of young men in Siberia has revealed uneven distribution of somatotype on sexual differentiation dominated mainly gynecomorphous somatotype and asthenia, with a gradual leveling age indicators. Found that, in adolescence the process of physical and sexual maturation is not completed. Young men of eunuchoid type treat generally pathological and disevolyutivny types.},
 keywords = {körperliche Entwicklung; physical development; Adoleszenz; adolescence; altersspezifische Faktoren; age-specific factors; Jugendlicher; adolescent; junger Erwachsener; young adult; Akzeleration; acceleration; Sibirien; Siberia; Medizin; medicine; Diagnostik; diagnostic}}