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@article{ Jacob2012,
 title = {Three Views of a Secret: Land Rights and the Constitution of Local Citizenship in West Africa},
 author = {Jacob, Jean-Pierre and Meur, Pierre-Yves Le},
 journal = {Africa Spectrum},
 number = {1},
 pages = {89-96},
 volume = {47},
 year = {2012},
 issn = {1868-6869},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Contribution to the Debate on Property and Land Rights in Africa Spectrum.Beitrag zur "Debate on Property and Land Rights" in Africa Spectrum.},
 keywords = {landed property; Staatsangehörigkeit; nationality; Kulturanthropologie; soziale Integration; social integration; ethnology; cultural anthropology; Nationalität; citizenship; Grundbesitz; Ethnologie; land law; Westafrika; Bodenrecht; West Africa}}