Endnote export


%T A tool for thought! When comparative thinking reduces stereotyping effects
%A Corcoran, Katja
%A Hundhammer, Tanja
%A Mussweiler, Thomas
%J Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
%N 4
%P 1008-1011
%V 45
%D 2009
%K stereotyping; social comparison; comparative thinking styles; stereotype reduction; social cognition
%= 2012-04-23T09:46:00Z
%~ http://www.peerproject.eu/
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-292254
%X Stereotypes have pervasive, robust, and often unwanted effects on how people see and behave towards others. Undoing these effects has proven to be a daunting task. Two studies demonstrate that procedurally priming participants to engage in comparative thinking with a generalized focus on differences reduces behavioral and judgmental stereotyping effects. In Study 1, participants who were procedurally primed to focus on differences sat closer to a skinhead – a member of a negatively stereotyped group. In Study 2, participants primed on differences ascribed less gender stereotypic characteristics to a male and female target person. This suggests that comparative thinking with a focus on differences may be a simple cognitive tool to reduce the behavioral and judgmental effects of stereotyping.
%G en
%9 journal article
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info