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@article{ Muller2008,
 title = {Strategic behavior and learning in repeated voluntary-contribution experiments},
 author = {Muller, Laurent and Sefton, Martin and Steinberg, Richard and Vesterlund, Lise},
 journal = {Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization},
 number = {3-4},
 pages = {782-793},
 volume = {67},
 year = {2008},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Voluntary contribution experiments systematically find that contributions decline over time. We use a two-stage voluntary contribution game to investigate whether this decrease is caused by learning or strategic behavior. Using a strategy method we find a robust pattern of declining contributions: contributions in stage 2 are 45 percent lower than in stage 1. Repeating the game five times we find that experience generates a smaller decline in contributions: stage 1 contributions decrease by around 7 percent per game. Finally we find no significant differences between the strategy and direct-response method, which suggests that our results help explain behavior in the latter.},
 keywords = {Experiment; experiment}}