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@article{ Groot2009,
 title = {The effects of education on crime},
 author = {Groot, Wim and Maassen van den Brink, Henriette},
 journal = {Applied Economics},
 number = {3},
 pages = {279-289},
 volume = {42},
 year = {2009},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In this paper we use a unique data-set on criminal behavior to analyze the effects of education on offences and crimes committed. The findings suggest that substantial savings on the social costs of crime can be obtained by investing in education. We find that the probability of committing crimes like shop lifting, vandalism and threat, assault and injury decrease with years of education. The probability of committing tax fraud, however, increases with years of education. We further find that higher educated people have more permissive attitudes and social norms towards criminal behavior.},