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@article{ Basu2005,
 title = {Macpherson Country: genealogical identities, spatial histories and the                Scottish diasporic clanscape},
 author = {Basu, Paul},
 journal = {Cultural Geographies},
 number = {2},
 pages = {123-150},
 volume = {12},
 year = {2005},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This paper explores the intertwining of personal or autobiographical narratives with                broader cultural and historical narratives associated with particular regions,                nations and diasporas. More particularly, it is concerned with the intertwining of                surnames, place names and ‘place-stories’, and with notions of                clanship, clanlore and clanlands, as resources used in the negotiation of                self-identity among members of the transnational Scottish heritage community. Using                the spatial histories and mnemonic practices of the Clan Macpherson as examples, it                demonstrates how the ‘romantic ideology’ of Highland clanship                serves to re-root members of an ‘unsettled’ settler society in                what is perceived as their ancestral homeland. This (re-)establishment of kinship                ties to a particular territory is effected through various enunciative acts: for                instance, becoming acquainted with the clan’s origin myths, slogans,                stories and symbols; visiting the clanlands and those collective ‘sites of                memory’ associated with events in clan history; participating in clan                marches and ceremonials; and tracing the family tree. Whilst this                ‘sedentary poetics’ of Highland clanship entails a                re-essentialization of identity that has become morally untenable in the                contemporary West, it is argued that, in the context of Scottish diasporic                roots-tourism, the assertion of a close bond between blood and soil is more benign.                For those who, by virtue of a particular surname, or through the labours of their                genealogical research, have identified themselves as members of a Scottish Highland                diaspora, the ideal of Highland clanship provides a powerful ‘answering                image’ to that represented by the indigenous peoples and cultures of the                countries in which their migrant ancestors settled. Sensing their own (vicarious)                complicity in the violences of colonization and thus questioning the legitimacy of                their right to belong in lands historically appropriated from indigenous                populations, the clan provides its diasporic members with the possibility of                recovering their own indigenous identity.},