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@article{ Sommers2006,
 title = {Lay Theories About White Racists: What Constitutes Racism (and What Doesn't)},
 author = {Sommers, Samuel R. and Norton, Michael I.},
 journal = {Group Processes & Intergroup Relations},
 number = {1},
 pages = {117-138},
 volume = {9},
 year = {2006},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Psychological theories of racial bias assume a pervasive motivation to avoid                appearing racist, yet researchers know little regarding laypeople's                theories about what constitutes racism. By investigating lay theories of White                racism across both college and community samples, we seek to develop a more complete                understanding of the nature of race-related norms, motivations, and processes of                social perception in the contemporary United States. Factor analyses in Studies 1                and 1a indicated three factors underlying the traits laypeople associate with White                racism: evaluative, psychological, and demographic.                Studies 2 and 2a revealed a three-factor solution for behaviors associated with                White racism: discomfort/unfamiliarity, overt racism, and denial of                problem. For both traits and behaviors, lay theories varied by                participants' race and their race-related attitudes and motivations.                Specifically, support emerged for the prediction that lay theories of racism reflect                a desire to distance the self from any aspect of the category ‘racist’.},