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@article{ Day2008,
 title = {Wilfully Disempowered},
 author = {Day, Abby},
 journal = {European Journal of Women's Studies},
 number = {3},
 pages = {261-276},
 volume = {15},
 year = {2008},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Two cases from the UK are discussed to explore why, in the author's terms, women wilfully disempower themselves in religion and spiritual contexts. A case study of a women's prayer group shows how they resist acknowledging their own power or the idea that they are engaging in informal ritual equally important to their male counterparts. Second, qualitative data from a large study of people's beliefs are used to show how women willingly submit to a higher male power through a process of self-denigration. It is argued that the women are making rational, strategic choices in an increasingly secular and patriarchal world.},
 keywords = {gender; Religion; religion; Gender}}