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@article{ Falchetti2007,
 title = {What do laypersons want to know from scientists? An analysis of a dialogue                between scientists and laypersons on the web site Scienzaonline},
 author = {Falchetti, Elisabetta and Caravita, Silvia and Sperduti, Alessandra},
 journal = {Public Understanding of Science},
 number = {4},
 pages = {489-506},
 volume = {16},
 year = {2007},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Scienzaonline is an interactive web site developed by the Museum of Zoology                of Rome that offers various services. After the site had been online for three                years, we examined approximately 800 questions received by the service Expert on                line to understand what laypeople's interests in science are and in which life                contexts they emerge. The contents of the questions were categorized to reveal the                function and the nature of the knowledge that people expect from                “experts”. Some kind of actual accomplishment motivates most                of the questions, though a considerable number of them have knowledge and                understanding as their objective. Information is the main form of expected knowledge                and disciplinary knowledge is viewed as the privileged source of it. A relevant                percentage of messages reveal the desire to obtain explanations and validations of                reported facts, an aid to go beyond factual knowledge. Striving to find answers to                “great unanswered questions” emerges as a passionate                intellectual endeavor for some people.},