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@article{ Alis2006,
 title = {From Gods to Goddesses},
 author = {Alis, David and Karsten, Luchien and Leopold, John},
 journal = {Time & Society},
 number = {1},
 pages = {81-104},
 volume = {15},
 year = {2006},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Flexibility in working time arrangements may lead to heterogeneity of working-time                patterns. Drawing on the societal perspective, we consider three interrelated                spheres of: professional relations, organizational, and domestic space. Greek                mythology assists us to contrast chrono management and Horai management. Case                analyses of France, the UK, and the Netherlands are presented within the context of                EU Directives. By introducing Horai management we try to find an expression for the                dialectical interplay between the temporalities of the home and the workplace, while                including developments in the wider societal context. Horai management helps us                reach beyond the logic of time-economy to improve the coordination of multiple temporalities.},