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@article{ Bas2010,
 title = {Trade integration and within-plant productivity evolution in Chile},
 author = {Bas, Maria and Ledezma, Ivan},
 journal = {Review of World Economics},
 number = {1},
 pages = {113-146},
 volume = {146},
 year = {2010},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {We analyze the impact of trade integration on plant TFP using Chilean plant-level data (1982–1999) and 3-digit bilateral trade flows. Our contribution is to disentangle the impact of export and import barriers, estimated as border effects within a multilateral context. A fall in export barriers is positively correlated with plant productivity in traded sectors. The reduction of import barriers, however, can only be associated to productivity improvements in export-oriented sectors. In import-competing sectors a robust positive correlation shows up between plant productivity and protection. We then test several channels linking trade integration and firm productivity.},
 keywords = {export; productivity; Handelshemmnis; Wirtschaftsbeziehungen; import; Chile; Handel; Produktivität; trade barrier; commerce; Entwicklungsland; Chile; Export; economic relations; developing country; Import}}