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@article{ Lehn2001,
 title = {Exhibiting interaction: conduct and collaboration in museums and galleries},
 author = {Lehn, Dirk vom and Heath, Christian and Hindmarsh, Jon},
 journal = {Symbolic Interaction},
 number = {2},
 pages = {189-216},
 volume = {24},
 year = {2001},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This article explores how individuals, both alone and together, examine exhibits in museums and galleries. Drawing on ethnomethodology and conversation analysis, it focuses on the ways in which visitors encounter and experience exhibits and how their activities are organized, at least in
part, with intimate regard to the actions of others in the domain, both companions and "strangers." This study contributes to the long-standing concerns of symbolic interactionism with (mutual) attention and involvement, materiality and social relations, and interpersonal communication. The data consist of video recordings of naturally occurring action and interaction in various museums and galleries.},
 keywords = {visitor; behavior; Museum; interpersonelle Kommunikation; video; Kunst; interaction; museum; Ausstellung; Video; art; Ethnomethodologie; interpersonal communication; exhibition; Interaktion; Besucher; ethnomethodology; Verhalten}}